Thursday, August 7, 2008

Her name is "Kadence", but it could be "Personality!" I met this little one not long ago at the hospital for her newborn photo sitting and when I saw her again last week for her 9 month old sitting, she remembered me! We're old pals now-the only thing we differ on is our allegiance to that Tiger dress she was wearing! But I think if you'll check out the second image below you can see what she might think of those paws after all (:
I could wallpaper my house with favorite shots of those sweet cheeks and lively eyes, but I picked a small handfull...
Miss Kadence, you're a doll! I'm so glad to have met your family and hope to do lots more photos of you as you grow...keep 'em hopin'!
This is a future cheerleader-
See-what did I tell ya?!

OK, she did think her tiger was cute and fun to eat on!

Look at her beautiful blue eyes!

Kadence is on the move!
What a ham!
To see her show, MUTE music on home page and return here: Kadence's Show


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Goooo Tigers!

August 9, 2008 at 7:45 PM  
Blogger Kim. D said...

Go Carolina, Go Carolina, GOOOO COCKS! (:

August 11, 2008 at 6:34 AM  

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