Saturday, November 22, 2008

I loved meeting sweet Robbie and his parents, Erin and Kevin! Robbie already has a beautiful head of hair and lots of fun expressions! He is definitely a "Daddy's boy" but Erin doesn't seem to mind. Robbie shared his "first smiles" with us and I was honored to be there to capture the moment! Take a look at a few of my favorite shots...then see the show!

This is one of the "future Cadet" if he follows in his Daddy's footsteps.
To see Robbie's show, MUTE music and return here!


Blogger Erin Lewis said...

Kim, Kevin and I absolutely adore the pictures that you took of Robbie. Kevin especially liked the Citadel ones! Thank you so much for taking such special and creative photos, we will cherish them forever. We will be sure to call you with the next children!

November 24, 2008 at 7:22 AM  

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