Thursday, September 27, 2007

Riverside High School Reunion!

Born very close to the "Summer of '69", likely to "Wear Sunglasses at Night", feel "Shot through the Heart" when things don't go as planned, growing older yet feeling as young as the day they tossed their Warrior hats high in the air...are the classes of '86, '87, and '88 of Riverside High! And they reunited and partied like it was "1999" at the Commerce Club last weekend! Here's their show! (mute music on home page and come back to blog)
Click here for Riverside Slide Show
To purchase a CD slideshow for computer, contact Kim through site.
To order DVD of show, use drop down button at right corner of show, click on DVD icon for ordering instructions.

Monday, September 24, 2007

The Cox Family

Almost rained out...whew, so glad we made it! Monica and Jay, Claire is a beautiful addition to your lively family! I'm happy she's celebrating 3 so we had a reason to photograph everyone! What a fun bunch!
Enjoy your show by muting music on home page and clicking here to view